Monday, December 24, 2012

Review coming soon!!

I have received a product to review!!  With all the hubbub of the holidays, I'm going to wait until afterward to post a review.  You guys, as well as the product and the company deserve my undivided attention to do the review.  I am really EXCITED to test out this product!!!  I have always wanted to try these!!  So PLEASE STAY TUNED!!! ;)

Monday, December 10, 2012

Making cookies!

My mom send us a gift certificate to this website where you can order cookie dough, etc.  I decided to order some Triple Chocolate cookie dough.  We got it in the mail last week and it's just been sitting in the refrigerator.  Well, the hubby had a sweet tooth and wanted me to make some cookies....and we remembered the tub of cookie dough!

Merlin likes his!! 

He got two because he fell down and started crying.  He INSTANTLY stopped crying!  Haha!

Merlin was helping Mommy wait on the next batch...

All done!!

Winter loves them!!

Daddy loves them too!!

Sorry!  We have to save the rest for your brothers and sisters!

Sunday, December 9, 2012


I just got home about 20 minutes ago (along with the hubby and three of the kiddos) from our neighbor's house.  Every year we meet up at her house and make brownies, eat pizza and watch Christmas movies.  

We have so much fun!  Christmas is my favorite time of year!!  Merlin was a bit upset in the picture above....I don't even remember why...haha!  He enjoyed himself most of the time playing with all of the balloons.  Who wouldn't!

After we got home, sent the older kids to bed, and got into our "comfortable" clothes.....I decided to check my email.  I was so excited to find an email from Woolzies, the company who makes Woolzies Dryer Balls!  They are sending me a box of Woolzies to review for all of you!!!  I can't wait to try them out and let everyone know how they work!

STAY TUNED.........

Friday, December 7, 2012

Went to my first Jazz game!!

December 5th, 2012

My brother Jon, invited me to go to the Utah Jazz vs. Orlando Magic game at 7pm.  How sweet is that?!  The only time I have ever been to an NBA game was when I was about 10 years old.  My dad took me to see a Lakers game.  I loved it!  So of course, I wanted to go see the Jazz and Magic in Salt Lake City!!  I couldn't wait!  

I don't even know when the last time I was able to get out of the house was.  I have a million kids, so even a week seems like forever.  I love them, but man it sure does take it's toll!  

ANYWHO.....Salt Lake City is about 40 minutes away from me.  I had to take the train (Front Runner), since the gas prices are OUTRAGEOUS.  But hey, it only cost me $10.20 roundtrip!  Not too bad...  Considering I'm getting a free ticket to an NBA game.  

Jon and I decide that I should take an earlier train to SLC so he could pick me up and go see his new condo before we go to the game.  I get on the 4:46pm train and get off around 10 after 5pm.  It's raining when I get off (my luck) and it's Jon calls me to guide me over to where he's parked.  Yes, I'm lost completely when I'm by myself...haha.  Finally I see him when he's only like 20 feet ahead of me.  My niece and nephew are with him (YAY!  I haven't seen them in a couple months.) because we have to drop them off at their mom's house on the way to Jon's house.  

He shows me around his condo and it's beautiful!  I love it!  I snapped a pic of his Christmas tree....couldn't help myself!

He just moved in, so he hasn't gotten the tree skirt out yet.  But I think it's beautiful regardless!  

We have to get to the game, so we leave, grab a Starbucks coffee and head on over to the E Center (Energy Solutions Arena).  We decide to go ahead and park in the Winter Parking garage by the Gateway Mall.  My smartypants brother (I'm not being sarcastic, he really is smart), has a genius idea......take a picture of the area we are parked in so we don't forget where we parked!  I ended up remembering where we parked anyway, so we didn't need it....but totally genius idea anyway, right?!  

We walked through the outside mall (Gateway) towards the E Center.  Ended up going the long way around though....but we made it!!  I thought "fat girl" was gonna have a heartattack a few times though....I guess Jon thinks we're running a marathon!  Haha.

Time to grab some grub (I haven't ate all day) and find our seats!  

Jon got us some good seats!!  We were pretty close!  

We ran a tad late to the game, so they were already playing when we found our seats.  I couldn't believe how young they all looked!!  To me, it was like we were watching a high school basketball game!!  I feel so old...

It was turning out to be a really good game!  I was really enjoying myself!

At just before halftime, Jon wanted to go take a smoke break.  The above pics show our view of the front....beautiful with the Christmas lights. :)  Luckily Jon smoked most of his cigarette before the crowd came, because once everyone got out there, someone decided to smoke weed outside by us....  *UGH*  I had to get out of there....disgusting.  

We decided to grab a beer before we went back to our seats.  Jon got a peach hefeweizen and I got a Blue Moon...YUM!!  

On our way back to our seats, we went into the FANZZ store and he bought me a Jazz shirt!!  Wasn't that sweet of him!  I love it!  I wish I would have taken a picture of it.  It's downstairs and I'm too lazy at the moment to go do it. Haha.  

We got back to our seats watched the rest of the game.  It was a really close game!  I had a lot of fun!!!  The Jazz ended up winning 87 - 81!!!!  

As we were leaving, I looked back and took this picture.....

I thought it was beautiful. :)

As we were walking back through the mall, I HAD to get a couple pics of the Christmas tree all lit up!

We got back to the car and headed out to the Front Runner where I caught the train back up to Ogden.  I texted the hubby all the way back.  As I stepped onto the platform, he was there waiting for me.  I had an amazing night out.....I can't wait to do it again!!!

~Julie <3

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Wow, I'm actually doing this!

I have finally decided to do a blog.  I've wanted one for a REALLY long time.  I just wasn't sure how to start...  I'm still not sure really.  So I just thought I had better, as Nike has suggested for years, "Just do it".  What have I got to lose?  What's the big deal?  

First thing's first....choose the name of my blog.  I didn't think it would be so hard!  I actually googled "how to choose a blog name", if you can believe that.  I threw a few words around and came up with Ramblings of a Sleepy Mom.  I chose it, because.....well, for one....I ramble.  A lot.  I'll just go on and on...  And the "sleepy mom" part....that's just self explanitory. I have seven kids ranging from 15 years down to 10 months.....I am very sleepy!  lol    

I have decided that I can't just write about one subject. Impossible for me.  I have too much going on to just pick one category.  So this blog will be about me, my family, things we like to do together.....things that interest me....and my hobbies!  Maybe some other things thrown in once in awhile.  :)
